OuR Materials
We have a few different options when it comes to our top dressing materials. Here you will find our core materials that we tend to use on most all jobs, but we do use others as we see fit.
River Sand
River sand is an essential material for our top dressing process. It plays a crucial role in loosening up the hard compact red clay, allowing for deeper root development. Additionally, it helps to smooth out lawns and correct small imperfections in the turf.
White Sand
Our white sand option offers an enhanced aesthetic appeal and a softer texture compared to our river sand. It is an excellent choice for those seeking a sand option that is both visually pleasing and comfortable to the touch. We invite you to consider using it for your next project.
Introducing CarolinaMix, our special blend of river sand, a soil compost designed to add essential nutrients to your soil. With CarolinaMix, you can enjoy all the benefits of river sand while significantly boosting your soil's nutrient value. Try CarolinaMix today and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant turf!
Our ash and compost blend is an excellent choice for enhancing your cool season turf. It can be used as a top dressing during seeding to ensure that the seed comes into full contact with the soil, resulting in significantly improved germination rates. Give it a try and experience the difference it can make!